
Symptoms of cancer: oncologist Vorobyov called a clear sign of a tumor, which is determined by deep inspiration

Symptoms of cancer: oncologist Vorobyov called a clear sign of a tumor, which is determined with a deep breath
Cancer occurs when the body loses control of its cells, which causes the growth of malignant tumors. After the formation of a tumor, the patient is likely to notice unusual changes in the normal functioning of the body. This may include pain that may be worse at night or when you take a deep breath.

Cancer is well known to cause pain in the body, but this pain can take on different characteristics depending on the location of the disease.

“Cancer pain is most often caused by the tumor pressing on bones, nerves, or other organs within the body. But a large number of patients experience no pain at all because the tumor has no nerves of its own. So the pain is usually caused by the tumor pressing on nearby nerves.” , – says oncologist Andrey Vorobyov especially for MedikForum.

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According to researchers, 38 out of 100 people with cancer, experience moderate to severe pain. This symptom most often occurs when the cancer is already advanced.

This means that the cancer has spread to nearby parts of the body or returned after the first treatment. When the disease is in advanced stages, approximately 65 percent of patients experience pain.

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Although the pain can radiate to different parts of the body, the most common location is the lower back.

“The most common cause of pain in the back is tension in the back, but back pain that persists and has an obvious cause can also be a symptom of cancer. Cancer-related back pain often gets worse at night, does not get better when you lie down, and may get worse when you take a deep breath or have a bowel movement. Back pain can be caused by tumors in your chest, abdomen, or pelvis or metastases to the spine from other types of cancer,” explains Vorobyov.
When back pain is a symptom of an illness, it can be associated with spinal cancer, colorectal cancer, or ovarian cancer. However, it should be noted that pain in the area of ​​the body is common and rarely a sign of cancer.