
Sudden change in gait may signal cancer

In some cases, clumsy walking is a symptom of cancer.

The classic triad of cancer symptoms includes sudden weight loss, debilitating fatigue, and lumps or lumps. cones. At the same time, doctors state that cancer can cause a variety of symptoms that are easily confused with other diseases or disorders.

In particular, a sign of cancer can be ataxia, which means a disorder in the coordination of movements and speech, experts at the Mayo Clinic warned about this.

“Acquired ataxia can have a wide range of potential causes, including brain tumors and other types of cancer,” – Express quotes clinic doctors.
According to them, people with this syndrome have poor muscle control, which makes their movements clumsy and uncontrollable. Usually, with the development of ataxia, there are difficulties with walking, balance of the body, as well as with hand movements, swallowing.

Doctors stated: a malignant neoplasm that causes such changes can be gynecological cancer, as well as breast or lung cancer, Hodgkin's lymphoma. In addition, there is evidence that ataxia can occur with uterine cancer.

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Experts reminded that in the case of cancer, it is important to diagnose the disease as soon as possible. With this in mind, sudden changes in a person's gait should cause some concern, they emphasized. for hidden diseases.

Important! Information provided for reference purposes only. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. At the first sign of illness, consult a doctor.