
Signs that indicate the risk of developing insulin resistance

fat belly
Arina Tertyshnaya, an endocrinologist, told what symptoms indicate insulin resistance and how to prevent it.

First, let's look at what insulin resistance is and what it poses a danger to our body.

“Insulin resistance (IR) is a reduced sensitivity of cells to the action of insulin, due to which glucose cannot enter the cell. In response, the cell does not receive fuel in the form of glucose, but the pancreas continues to produce insulin. From here, an excess of insulin in the body is obtained and the flywheel of the destruction of the body is launched, ”the expert says.
Insulin regulates a huge number of processes in our body. It affects metabolism, cell growth and division, the state of blood vessels, and much more.

IR can develop for a long time and not make itself felt directly. However, for some symptoms, we can suspect her. Otherwise, in a neglected state, it can turn into diabetes and oncology.

So, the first bells that you need to pay attention to. First of all, this is the appearance of excess weight. We control the volume of the waist. In women, it should not exceed 80 cm, in men – 94 cm.

The appearance of acne and rashes on the skin can also be one of the indirect signs of IR. Constant drowsiness and causeless fatigue is also an alarming bell.

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Increased pressure, a constant desire to eat something sweet, a bulging belly are all external manifestations of insulin resistance. As a result, we get reduced immunity and a lot of other diseases in addition.

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Inactive lifestyle, constant stress, excessive consumption of carbohydrates, constant lack of sleep can contribute to the development of IR and overvoltage. Eliminate these factors to minimize the risk of developing insulin resistance. Arina Tertyshnaya Arina Tertyshnaya Health Endocrinologist