
Sausage sandwiches increase the risk of the deadliest cancer in men

Sausage sandwiches increase the risk of men's deadliest cancer

Whether it's waking up in the morning after a night out or coming back from a morning run, there are few things people crave more than a piece of meat and carbs along with some caffeinated drink. While it may act as a reward for running a distance or relieve the pain of an injury, it can also increase someone's risk of developing cancer, especially if it's a man.

One of the most influential of these are lifestyle habits; referring to factors such as diet, activity, and activities such as smoking or drinking alcohol. Although these factors are under the control of many, there are others that are not subject to, such as gender. For example, some types of cancer may develop in some cis men but not in cis women due to their biological differences.

Prostate cancer, the deadliest cancer in men, is an example of one of these cancers. MedicForum spoke with oncologist Andrey Vorobyov abouthow men can reduce their risk of developing this deadly type of cancer.

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One of the foods the doctor recommends avoiding is processed meat sandwiches.

“Bacon sandwiches are high in salt, fat and processed meats; ingredients that have been associated with prostate cancer,” an oncologist says for MedicForum.

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A new study concluded that “increased consumption” of “all meat “and “processed meat” may be associated with a higher risk of prostate cancer.

“Diets high in sugar, saturated fat and salt, which are usually low in vitamins and minerals, are associated with an increased risk of prostate cancer”” .

MedicalForum has previously written about the symptom of high cholesterol.