
Rising heart attacks, strokes and other cardiovascular diseases in Russia: causes and consequences

Growth of heart attacks, strokes and other cardiovascular diseases in Russia: causes and consequences
According to statistics on cardiovascular diseases, 1 million people die every year from this group of pathologies in Russia. All over the world the situation is similar and the reason lies not in the environment or poor nutrition. The reason lies in the consequences of the coronavirus pandemic, thick blood and other disorders. The so-called “post-COVID syndrome” can last for months and even years, which greatly increases the risk of heart attacks and strokes and is the main cause of increased mortality.

What doctors say

What most people don't know is that the repercussions of the disease appear even years after recovery. After all, Covid-19 is not only an increase in body temperature and lung damage, weakness, shortness of breath, dizziness, as the majority of people believe. As the saying goes, “the devil is in the details”, and it is these details that make it possible to understand the true causes of the increase in deaths from heart attacks and strokes after a coronavirus infection.

First of all, the coronavirus affects erythrocytes – red blood cells that transport oxygen. When they are damaged, blood oxygen saturation decreases, and because of this, the heart, brain and all other organs and tissues fall under attack. Another target organ is the lungs, which also reduces saturation (blood oxygen saturation).

According to research conducted at the Far Eastern Federal University, together with colleagues from the Russian and Japanese Research Centers, the main target of Covid-19 is the red bone marrow, where red blood cells and other blood cells are produced. By attacking the red bone marrow, the coronavirus not only damages red blood cells that are already in the blood, but also interferes with the formation of new ones. These consequences can last for months and without proper treatment cause a lot of diseases.
Naturally, all this leads to even more thickening of the blood, and thick blood, in itself, is a powerful factor in reducing health.

Growth of heart attacks, strokes and other cardiovascular diseases in Russia: causes and consequences1

Influence of Covid-19 on vascular wall cells

In 2022, the authoritative medical publication Cardiological Bulletin published a work by Yu. A. Romanov, which scientifically explains the effect of coronavirus on the vascular endothelium – “SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19 and cardiovascular complications: a view from the perspective of the vascular endothelium”, 2022 (Vol. 17, No. 1, pp. 21–28).

As a result of the studies, it has been proven that the SARS-CoV-2 virus directly infects vascular endothelial cells (cell walls of blood vessels, veins, arteries, capillaries).

Infection occurs in conjunction with blood clotting, inflammation, increased vascular permeability, and oxidative stress. The resulting inflammation causes leukocytes to migrate through the vascular wall of leukocytes and lead to the launch of inflammatory processes throughout the body. As a result, generalized endothelial dysfunction develops, which has a negative impact on the cardiovascular system. Hence such an increase in mortality, because, as shown by this study, these consequences last for years. -sosudistyh-zabolevanij-v-rossii-prichiny-i-sledstvija-3b7ea27.jpg” class=”lazy” width=”1200″ height=”800″ style=”max-width:100%;” alt=”Growth of heart attacks, strokes and other cardiovascular diseases in Russia: causes and consequences2″ />

What can be done to reduce the likelihood of heart attacks and strokes after covid?

In addition to drinking enough water, exercising, dieting, you need to use a tool that helps the body overcome the effects of coronavirus and return to normal – the unique mineral Synthesit.
DS Synthesit is an innovative Russian-Swiss development. Its action on the disaggregation of erythrocytes is unparalleled. Within an hour after taking the mineral, red blood cells unstick, which helps to avoid blood clots and restore blood supply to all organs and tissues.

Mineral Synthesit prevents blood clotting and reduces already increased blood viscosity, prevents oxidative stress, reduces inflammation. Thus, taking Synthesit allows you to avoid a severe course of coronavirus infection and recover faster with post-covid syndrome. Website of the innovative mineral

Growth of heart attacks, strokes and other cardiovascular diseases in Russia: causes and consequences3

How to reduce the likelihood of cardiovascular diseases

Given the increased mortality from cardiovascular diseases after the coronavirus pandemic, Russian doctors and scientists are purposefully looking for ways to reduce it and have already achieved serious results. In particular, the following materials are devoted to this issue:

  • O. M. Drapkina, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, Director of the Federal State Budgetary Institution “NMIC TPM” of the Ministry of Health of Russia;
  • Ageev F. T., Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Scientific Dispensary Department of the Research Institute of Cardiology. Myasnikova A.L. FGBU “NMITSK them. ak. E.I. Chazov” of the Ministry of Health of Russia.

According to statistics, only in 2021, the average life expectancy decreased by 5.8 years, and the reason was increased mortality from cardiovascular diseases. According to scientists, if right now we start preventing CVD and reducing the risk of complications (heart attacks, strokes), then by 2030 it will be possible to increase life expectancy up to 78 years. Otherwise, given the prolonged coronavirus pandemic, mortality in Russia will “become younger”.

Growth of heart attacks, strokes and other cardiovascular diseases in Russia: causes and effects4

Thick blood – additional problems

With age, the blood thickens, this is a well-known fact. And in diseases, this thickening becomes fatal for the cardiovascular system, because blood clots are the cause of heart attacks, strokes and other acute pathologies of the cardiovascular system. You can reduce their likelihood, especially after suffering Covid, in different ways – drink more water, adhere to the principles of proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle, and do not ignore physical activity. But this, unfortunately, is not enough.

In order for the body to return to its normal mode, additional funds are needed to help overcome the consequences of the coronavirus infection and return to normal mode. In particular, it is necessary to restore the optimal blood viscosity, the state of the endothelium, and oxygen saturation of the blood. Synthesit can help with these tasks. In terms of its effect on the disaggregation of erythrocytes (restoration of blood fluidity), it has no analogues among dietary supplements. And the first effect occurs within an hour after taking the mineral – erythrocytes unstick, blood supply to organs and tissues is restored, the risk of blood clots is reduced, normal health and energy return. /