
“RG”: Scientists name food that accelerates aging even if you give up sugar and sausage

woman drinks milk
Some products can accelerate the aging of the body, even if a person does not eat sugar and sausage.

Usually, when talking about harmful foods, doctors point to sugar and processed meat in the form of various sausages. But scientists have named foods that accelerate aging even when you refuse them, Rossiyskaya Gazeta reports, citing data published by the Greek portal

One of the representatives of these products – activators of aging – are dairy products consumed in immoderate quantities – for example, whole or condensed milk, cream, butter, and so on.

“The large amount of fat in whole milk accelerates aging and can provoke an inflammatory process over time, which has a negative effect on cell regeneration,” RG quotes the researchers as saying.
In addition, experts recommend using prepared spicy and salty foods with caution. Such food contains too many preservatives and sodium – this has a negative effect on the cardiovascular system, on which the rate of aging of the body largely depends. Experts advise lovers of spicy food to use fresh spices instead of prepared snacks.

Another factor in accelerated aging is excess coffee. Researchers associate its too frequent use (more than six cups a day) with susceptibility to dementia.

They also point out the danger of artificial sweeteners, which affect the intestinal microflora, and the potential harm of carbohydrate foods if consumed without restrictions. You can't give up carbohydrates, since they are the main source of energy for the body, but in large quantities they can provoke inflammation, experts emphasize.

Earlier, the portal wrote about which products are recommended by doctors as immune system boosters in the fall.

Important! Information is provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and do not self-medicate under any circumstances. At the first signs of illness, consult a doctor.