
“RG”: Lack of fiber increases the risk of metabolic syndrome – why is it dangerous?

Insufficient fiber intake “helps” the development of metabolic syndrome, an extremely dangerous disorder due to its consequences.

Metabolic syndrome is a combination of conditions associated with elevated cholesterol and blood sugar levels, obesity, and type 2 diabetes. Why is it dangerous? People with this syndrome have a sharply increased risk of blockage or rupture of blood vessels and their consequences – cardiovascular diseases, cerebrovascular accidents, stroke.

“A number of symptoms indicate the development of metabolic syndrome. As a rule, this is a constant feeling of thirst and increased urination, fatigue, skin changes, tingling and numbness in the legs,” RG reported, citing data from the portal.
The portal's medical expert, nutritionist Kerry Conlon, stated that the development of metabolic syndrome is facilitated by poor sleep, stress, sedentary lifestyle, and poor nutrition. Drawing attention to the last factor, the specialist noted that the likelihood of metabolic syndrome is significantly increased by a lack of fiber in the daily diet.
Conlon emphasized that adequate fiber consumption has an extremely positive effect on cholesterol and blood sugar levels – for this, for example, you should include a serving of vegetable salad in each meal. The nutritionist also recommended eating more whole grains, legumes, greens, and nuts. The expert added that such food helps a person feel more full, which, in turn, normalizes the total amount of food and prevents the development of obesity, which is a separate factor in many dangerous disorders in the body.

Earlier, the portal wrote about what foods doctors recommend eating to protect against the development of metabolic syndrome.

Important! Information is provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and do not self-medicate under any circumstances. At the first signs of illness, consult a doctor.