
Pulmonologist Avdeev called shortness of breath the first noticeable symptom of lung pathology

shortness of breath
Pulmonologist Sergey Avdeev announced the prevalence among Russians of such pulmonary pathology as COPD.

Pulmonologist Avdeev reminded Russians of the prevalence and danger of pulmonary diseases, in particular COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease). According to Professor Avdeev, COPD in Russia ranks third in terms of prevalence among respiratory diseases.

As a rule, smokers become victims of this lung disease, but a pulmonologist noted in an interview with AiF that COPD also occurs among non-smokers people.

Also in this list of respiratory diseases are SARS, bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis, pneumonia. One of the most dangerous lung diseases takes the form of pulmonary fibrosis, in which there is an unreasonable replacement of the living tissue of the lungs with connective, scar tissue.

A pulmonologist stated that shortness of breath usually becomes the first noticeable symptom of lung pathology.

“The first specific symptom of lung pathology, which is hard to miss, is shortness of breath. But specific. At first, it appears only at high loads, then at moderate, and then at any,” Professor Avdeev shared.
The pulmonologist advised never to ignore changes in your body's tolerance to stress. If habitual activity causes interruptions in breathing and weakness, you need to see a doctor and check the condition of the body – it may be COPD.

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The expert advised giving up cigarettes to maintain lung health, as well as getting vaccinated against pneumococcus, influenza.

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“In addition, moderate physical activity is needed to prevent COPD. The most accessible is walking for 40-45 minutes three times a week,” said the pulmonologist.
Earlier, the portal wrote that cardiologist Vyacheslav Koliev pointed out symptoms that indicate an existing heart disease.

Important! Information provided for reference purposes only. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. Seek medical attention at the first sign of illness.

Sergey Avdeev Sergey Avdeev Health