
Pulmonologist Abakumov called the dangerous mistakes of parents in the treatment of SARS in children

the child is sick with SARS
Parents often make dangerous mistakes in how they bring down the temperature in children, Oleg Abakumov, a pulmonologist, informed.

The doctor spoke about wrong actions on the part of parents in their attempts to treat respiratory infections in children. In his telegram channel, Abakumov said:

“Some parents are so wrong to bring down the temperature of the child that as a result they have to call an ambulance and go to the hospital.”
The doctor called one of the key mistakes adults make is waiting for a high temperature to take antipyretic medication. According to Oleg Abakumov, with ARVI, it is necessary to take into account the state of the child. If a relatively low temperature of just over 37 degrees is difficult to tolerate, then it should be brought down, the doctor noted.

“It is forbidden to wipe with vodka or vinegar – they are toxic! They are absorbed through the skin or by inhalation of vapors and slowly send the child's body, ”added the pulmonologist.
Also, a dangerous mistake of parents in the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections in children is the use of analgin, ibuklin, aspirin. Abakumov clarified that in a number of countries the use of such a drug as analgin is prohibited – it can negatively affect blood formation.

As for aspirin, its use is contraindicated before adolescence due to the possible risk of liver damage. Nimesulide has the same property.

Pulmonologist Abakumov named ways to protect himself from the flu

Also, Abakumov warned that children should not be given ibuklin during the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections. This drug consists of ibuprofen and paracetamol. The pudmonologist emphasized that it is impossible to use these two drugs in children at once.

How to distinguish pneumonia from bronchitis: pulmonologist Abakumov

Earlier, the portal wrote about the symptoms by which meningitis can be recognized.

Important! Information provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. Seek medical attention at the first sign of illness.

Oleg Abakumov Oleg Abakumov Health therapist, pulmonologist