
Professor Vorobyov: Antiseptics and masks are ineffective in protecting against Covid

man in a mask
Professor Pavel Vorobyov: wearing masks does not provide protection against coronavirus infection.

Professor Vorobyov said in an interview with Pravda.Ru that antiseptics and masks are ineffective in protecting against COVID-19.

“Wearing masks to prevent COVID will not bring any effect. Using antiseptics is also not necessary. This is a purely marketing ploy,” the scientist shared his opinion.
Pavel Vorobyov noted that you can increase your protection against coronavirus infection using the same methods that are usually recommended for the prevention of viral respiratory infections: these include regular hand washing, avoiding crowded places, airing out rooms, and making sure you do not touch your face and eyes with your hands.

According to Vorobyov, there is no longer any special reason to perceive Covid – it has become an infection that has joined the list of common seasonal diseases. The scientist emphasized that death from coronavirus infection does not occur from the disease itself, but as a result of complications or exacerbations of other diseases that the infected person has. Vorobyov is convinced that the mortality associated with COVID-19 is largely due to the fact that sick people who do not actually need hospitalization are being taken to hospitals.

“Putting COVID-19 patients in hospitals en masse was a global mistake. Mortality in hospitals is much higher than at home due to completely objective reasons: hospital-acquired infections that are not treatable with antibiotics are added there,” the doctor explained.
He emphasized that hospitalization is only necessary in cases of truly serious conditions; in other cases, sick people need to be treated at home, on an outpatient basis.

Earlier, the portal wrote about which products effectively help prepare the body for winter.

Important! The information is provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and do not self-medicate under any circumstances. At the first signs of illness, consult a doctor.

Pavel Vorobyov Pavel Vorobyov Health Chairman of the Moscow City Scientific Society of Therapists, Professor