
Professor Goryachev called the main signs of a diseased heart

Professor Vladimir Goryachev: shortness of breath indicates the problems that have arisen in the work of the heart and blood vessels.

In an interview with a physician, the main signs of a diseased heart were voiced. Among these, Professor Goryachev named shortness of breath.

“Shortness of breath can occur during physical exertion,” the physician said in a comment to
Also, Vladimir Goryachev listed other body signals indicating a diseased heart.
“Increased pressure accompanied by headaches, nausea, tinnitus and palpitations.”
The scientist recalled that heart problems can be expressed in angina attacks, which worsen in moments of strong emotions and stress. Such attacks are indicated by pain or discomfort in the chest, along with weakness or shortness of breath. Sometimes the pain radiates to the left side of the sternum, shoulder, arm, jaw, under the shoulder blade.

Cardiologist Belenkov named six signs of a weak heart

Angina pectoris, according to a cardiologist, often turns out to be a signal of coronary heart disease. CHD and hypertension are the two most common cardiovascular problems, the expert added. Their signs, in addition to those listed above, are excessive sweating, fatigue, poor sleep.

“Written on the face”: a cardiologist called clear signs of impending death why heartburn, which first occurred in a person after 40 years, is a dangerous sign. Vladimir Goryachev Vladimir Goryachev Health Chief Physician of the Samara Regional Clinical cardiological dispensary named after V.P. Polyakova, professor