
Phlebologist Kopylov warned about the dangerous consequences of varicose veins

problems with the legs
With varicose veins, the risk of dangerous vascular disorders increases, including thrombosis, as well as vein thrombophlebitis – phlebologist Boris Kopylov warned about this in an interview.
< br>Doctor Kopylov said in an interview with Gazeta.Ru that in the case of varicose veins, due to impaired blood flow, vasodilation may occur, leading to a deterioration in the elasticity of the vascular walls of the veins.

“If nothing is done, then complications such as trophic disorders, thrombosis or thrombophlebitis of veins, bleeding from varicose veins may develop,” the phlebologist listed.
Kopylov added that one of the dangerous complications of thrombosis, which occurs against the background of varicose veins is pulmonary embolism. This violation is characterized by the penetration of a blood clot into the pulmonary artery and its blockage, for a person it can be fatal.

A phlebologist surgeon spoke about the danger of varicose veins varicose veins:

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“Those who complain of constant heaviness in the legs, swelling, the appearance of spider veins, cramps and dilated veins must visit a phlebologist” .
Earlier, the portal wrote that dry skin in different parts of the body can be a sign of certain diseases. Boris Kopylov Boris Kopylov Health phlebologist, surgeon