
Osteoporosis: prevention and risk factors

Endocrinologist Ilya Magerya told what contributes to the development of osteoporosis and whether it can be prevented.

A third of the population over the age of 50 suffers from osteoporosis. It is this pathology that is the cause of frequent fractures at this age.

“Osteoporosis is a long-term change in the structure of bone tissue, it can take decades, so it is important to diagnose the disease in time. Patients over 50 years of age already have the first changes in bone tissue in almost 50% of cases, ”says the expert.
The danger is that for many years a person may not even suspect that the process has already started. The disease makes itself felt when changes in the bone tissue have already occurred and fragility is increased.

Why is it dangerous? The fact that even a fall from the height of one's height can be fraught with very severe fractures. Especially when it comes to a fracture of the femoral neck or femur. It is sometimes impossible to recover completely.

The doctor notes that women suffer from osteoporosis more often than men – 34% and 27%, respectively. This is due to a decrease in the synthesis of sex hormones with age.

Risk factors for the development of osteoporosis are menopause, magnesium deficiency, autoimmune diseases, overweight, diabetes, thyrotoxicosis.

Osteoporosis was recognized as a male disease

For the prevention of osteoporosis in the early stages, it is recommended to take calcium, vitamin D, magnesium. Sometimes medication is needed.

5 tips to prevent osteoporosis

Be sure to consult your doctor before taking medication. Uncontrolled intake of calcium is fraught with its deposition in the kidneys and blood vessels. Ilya Magerya Ilya Magerya Health Endocrinologist, head of the hormonal health clinic