
Open the window at night: Doctor Kondrakhin named a simple way to prevent seasonal infections

Therapist Andrey Kondrakhin: one of the simplest ways to increase your protection against ARVI is ventilation.

Doctor Kondrakhin named a simple way to prevent seasonal infections in a comment for According to him, this method is thorough ventilation of the premises.

In particular, the doctor recommends trying to open the window at night.

“The simplest way to prevent flu and other viral diseases is to ventilate the premises. If you sleep with an open window, you can harden the body thanks to low temperatures,” Kondrakhin explained.
He explained that opening windows in the summer, when the nights are stuffy, is ineffective. But with the onset of autumn, the climate changes: even if it is still warm during the day, at night it is replaced by a noticeable coolness, and the air becomes much fresher.

“At low temperatures, our body hardens, and when real frosts come, it will not perceive the coolness so much. This will help you not to get sick,” the therapist explained.
Kondrakhin added that you should not take vitamins to try to prevent colds, flu and other acute respiratory viral infections. The doctor called the opinion that vitamins help maintain immunity a misconception. He noted that taking such supplements makes sense if a person has been seriously ill and has noticeably weakened during their illness. Vitamins do not work for future use; in this case, they simply pass through the gastrointestinal tract and are excreted from the intestines, the expert added.

Earlier, the portal wrote about what can help protect against COVID-19 infection this season.

Important! The information is provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and do not self-medicate under any circumstances. At the first sign of illness, consult a doctor.

Andrey Kondrakhin Andrey Kondrakhin Health physician-therapist