
One simple blood test indicates your risk of a heart attack – cardiologist Varfolomeev

One simple blood test indicates your risk of a heart attack - cardiologist Varfolomeev

Heart attacks occur when the blood supply to the heart is abruptly cut off, one test can shed light on your risk.< /b>

A heart attack is a form of cardiovascular event that occurs when the blood supply to the heart is abruptly cut off. Usually caused by a blood clot, millions of people experience them every year. While it's impossible to tell exactly when a heart attack will occur, certain factors can be used to indicate whether a person is at greater or lesser risk. One test can indicate the likelihood of a cardiovascular event.

“CRP (C-reactive protein) is an inflammatory marker, which means that whenever an infection occurs in the body, the level of CRP in the blood rises. In a healthy person, if the CRP level is high, it is an indicator or alarm signal that the person is more likely to get blocked heart arteries, heart attack, sudden cardiac arrest, stroke, or blockage of the arteries of the heart. arms and legs in the future,” says cardiologist Oleg Varfrlomeev, especially for the MedicalForum.

Heart attack risk: check yourself!

This means that if someone tests positive for high levels of CRP, this may indicate an increased risk of a heart attack.

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This is a marker of low levels of chronic or long-term inflammation. Inflammation is our body's response to infection, stress, certain autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, etc. When red spots appear on the skin after an insect bite, this is due to inflammation.

Inflammation is relevant in the short term , but can be harmful to our body if present for a long time. People with persistently high CRP levels are at higher risk of heart disease compared to those who do not have elevated CRP levels.

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