
Oncologist Zolotareva: infections and smoking can trigger the development of cancer

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Samara oncologist Tatyana Zolotareva: smoking is responsible for a third of cancer cases.

Oncologist Zolotareva said in an interview that doctors are identifying the main causes of cancer, and warned of a serious carcinogenic risk for smokers. A third of all cancer cases are associated precisely with the negative effects of smoking on the body, the expert noted.

“More than 30% of cancers are associated with smoking, including lung cancer, breast cancer, cervical cancer, tract (mainly in men), diseases of the oral mucosa, tongue, ”recalled oncologist Tatyana Zolotareva.
Another factor that can trigger the development of cancer, the doctor called an unhealthy diet. According to the oncologist, the use of unhealthy foods, the lack of the right amount of vitamins, microelements, protein, and other useful nutrients in the diet contributes to metabolic failures that disrupt the hormonal balance in the body. Hormonal disorders are associated with the development of breast cancer, prostate cancer, the specialist specified.

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Also, in an interview with the 63.RU portal, oncologist Zolotareva drew attention to the carcinogenic effect of infections. In particular, liver cancer can be triggered by infection with hepatitis B. Infection with the bacterium Helicobacter increases the likelihood of stomach cancer, and HPV (human papillomavirus) – cancer of the cervix. br>“A proven risk factor is solar radiation, which has a damaging effect on the skin and provokes the development of skin melanoma,” the oncologist added. Cancer may be hiding.

Important! Information provided for reference only. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. Seek medical attention at the first sign of illness.

Tatiana Zolotareva Tatiana Zolotareva Health oncologist