
Oncologist Vorobyov named 3 signs of bone cancer that are often overlooked

Oncologist Vorobyov named 3 signs of bone cancer that are often overlooked

Bone cancer is a rare form of the disease, the symptoms of which are easily mistaken for other diseases.

Primary bone cancer refers to cancer that starts in the bones, as opposed to secondary bone cancer, where the disease spreads to the bones. One of the main symptoms, as you might expect, is bone pain.

“Pain caused by bone cancer usually begins with a sensation of soreness in the affected bone. This gradually progresses to constant pain or pain that comes and goes, that continues at night and at rest. Any bone can be affected, although bone cancer most often develops in the long bones of the legs or shoulders,” oncologist Andrey Vorobyov says specifically for MedForum.

This symptom can be “mistaken” for arthritis in adults and increasing pain in children and adolescents.

But there are three less obvious symptoms that can occur.

These are: relieving weight loss

  • Sweating, especially at night.
  • Your doctor recommends seeing your GP if you have any of these symptoms or if you experience increased bone pain.

    Bowel cancer: The 3 most common signs of colorectal cancer

    It can also lead to other symptoms that affect the bones.

    “Some people also experience swelling and redness (inflammation) or notice swelling on or around the affected bone.”
    If the bone is near a joint, the swelling can make it difficult to use the joint. This can make walking difficult and you may limp. In some cases, cancer can weaken a bone, causing it to break (break) easily after a minor injury or fall.”

    Three Signs of Bowel Cancer Spreading to the Bones

    MedicalForum has previously written about how to reduce your calorie intake.

    Important! Info provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. At the first sign of illness, consult a doctor.