
Oncologist Karasev: deficiency of the sleep hormone melatonin can cause cancer

sleepless night
Oncologist Ivan Karasev: studies link lack of sleep with increased risk of cancer.

Oncologist Karasev said that in order to maintain good health and To prolong youth, the human body should not lack melatonin, also known as the sleep hormone.

“Melatonin acts as a night worker: it is responsible for circadian rhythms and is produced during sleep.”
Usually, melatonin deficiency is indicated by problems with sleep: a person falls asleep for a long time and hard, does not sleep soundly, wakes up in the middle of the night or too early in the morning, and feels lethargic during the day. Ivan Karasev said in his telegram channel that the lack of this hormone is associated by scientists with the development of cancer.

“The results of recent studies have revealed a link between lack of sleep and deficiency of the hormone melatonin with the development of cancer.”
Why does sleep hormone deficiency occur? This can be influenced by the lack of a rest and work regimen, the habit of going to bed too late, sitting at the computer until late at night, working the night shift, using gadgets late in the day – in a word, what leads to a failure of natural biorhythms. In addition, for the full production of melatonin, it is important that a person sleeps in complete darkness.

“Even the slightest light in the room, for example, a flickering TV light bulb, knocks down the production of the hormone and can reduce its production by 10 times compared to sleeping in complete darkness,” the doctor shared.
Karasev added that melatonin, produced in sufficient quantities, is able to effectively protect the body from inflammation, since it acts as an immune activator. In addition, studies indicate its ability to slow down the aging process – the better the sleep hormone is synthesized by the body, the younger a person looks, the slower he ages.

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With regard to cancer, it has been found that melatonin has the ability to inhibit the development of malignant cells in the body, preventing them from forming tumors. In turn, the lack of a normal night's sleep, leading to a deficiency of melatonin, increases the likelihood of specific types of cancer. Ivan Karasev informed about the results of a study involving women: according to these data, night shift work is associated with a higher (30 percent) risk of breast, colon, and ovarian cancer.

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Important! Information provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. Seek medical attention at the first sign of illness.

Ivan Karasev Ivan Karasev Health oncologist, surgeon