
Nutritionist told what hair problems indicate

Nutritionist Olga Ugryumova explained what causes problems with hair and what they indicate.

Resources for maintaining hair and nails in a healthy, beautiful state, our body allocates according to the residual principle. When all needs are met, what is left goes to hair and nails. That is, if there are problems with them (fall out, grow poorly, break off, split), this indicates that the body does not have enough resources.

The condition of the hair is directly affected by pathologies of the thyroid gland, iron and protein deficiency in the body, problems with the liver and gallbladder, as well as stress.

“When we talk about hair health, it is important to understand that care is 20% of success, and 80% is the state of the whole body that mirrors our hair,” says the expert.
The condition of the hair is greatly influenced by the condition of the scalp and the muscles of the hair follicles. If the muscles are constantly tense (for example, a person feels fear or a desire to control everyone), because of this overexertion, the blood supply worsens, therefore the hair receives less nutrients. In particular, because of this, they can grow more slowly.

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Due to violations of carbohydrate metabolism in the body, the sebaceous glands fail if they start to work more actively (this happens with an excess of insulin), hair quickly greasy, have a stale look, no shine.

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As you can see, the condition of the hair is an indicator of the health of the whole organism. And if you have problems with your hair, this is a signal that you need to consider the problem deeper and solve it in a complex. Olga Ugryumova Olga Ugryumova Health Nutritionist, nutritionist