
Nutritionist Strokov spoke about the most delicious and healthy breakfast

Nutritionist Strokov spoke about the most delicious and healthy breakfast

Oatmeal should not be missing for breakfast. They provide you with energy for a long time, are full of nutrients and are also diverse.

Oatmeal has long had a resurgence in the breakfast kitchen, and rightly so.

Oatmeal can be more than just a cereal. Basically, you can use oatmeal and just four other ingredients to create a delicious new breakfast for a successful start to each day of the week.

The traffic police revealed the details of the accident with five dead in the UralsOatmeal every day – can it be useful? Of course, a balanced diet includes more than one ingredient. Good thing oatmeal is so versatile. It is not only not boring, but also balanced by various components.

“In itself, outwardly unattractive flakes also contain a wide range of nutrients that the body needs every day,” says nutritionist Igor Strokov especially for MedikForum.

That's why oatmeal is so useful

In terms of micronutrients, oatmeal is high in iron, magnesium, vitamin B1, zinc, and biotin. The whole body benefits from this, from the blood to the muscles, nerves, immune system to hair, skin and nails.

However, the real benefits lie in the macronutrient content.

“Oatmeal is about 70 percent long-chain carbohydrates, which gradually provide the body with energy throughout the day. Unlike wheat, oats do not affect blood sugar levels.”

Oatmeal also provides a lot of protein: 100 grams contains as much as 14 grams.

Dietary fiber is especially important for a good breakfast so that you do not get hungry soon after breakfast.

“Dietary fiber stimulates digestion, keeps you feeling full longer and thus helps you lose weight.”

Breakfast against hypertension. The Best Combination of Foods to Reduce Blood Pressure

Those who are not yet convinced of nutrients will not look in vain for additional benefits. With four extra ingredients, you can spice up your oatmeal breakfast.

  • oatmeal
  • milk (whole or vegetable)
  • fruit
  • nut butter
  • spices (vanilla, cinnamon, cocoa)

MedicForum has previously written about asymptomatic hypertension.

p class=”warning_txt”>Important! Information provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. At the first sign of illness, consult a doctor.