
Nutritionist Mukhina: sweets with the addition of E951 increase the risk of cancer

Dietitian Mariyat Mukhina: Aspartame sweetener recognized as a carcinogen known as additive E951 .

Nutritionist Mukhina drew attention to the fact that sweets may contain the sweetener aspartame in their composition. This sweetener has been recognized by the WHO as a potential carcinogen. Thus, sweets containing it increase the risk of cancer.

“Due to the fact that the World Health Organization (WHO) has recognized aspartame as a potentially dangerous carcinogen that can cause cancer, it is believed that sweets with aspartame will still be harmful,” said Mariyat Mukhina, talking to Moscow 24.
The medic informed that aspartame, which is part of food products, is known as the E951 additive. Sweets and other foods with the addition of E951 increase, among other things, the tendency to become obese.

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“Aspartame causes a state where taste buds send a signal to the brain that something sweet has gone, and insulin is released. Against the background of the action of this hormone, a person’s appetite is stimulated, ”explained nutritionist Mukhina.
According to the expert, the use of foods with this sweetener can provoke overeating with significant calorie abuse.

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Earlier, the portal wrote about unsweetened foods, the consumption of which contributes to the development of diabetes.

Important! Information provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. Seek medical attention at the first sign of illness.

Mariat Mukhina Mariyat Mukhina Health dietitian, doctor of medical sciences