
Nutritionist Galkina: Homemade salt for winter “helps” stomach cancer to develop

pickles in jars
Nutritionist Oksana Galkina: homemade preparations for the winter often contain too much sugar, salt, vinegar and spices.

Many Russian households are now making all kinds of preparations for the winter. Nutritionist Galkina noted: such homemade preserves can pose a certain health risk – they are saturated with ingredients that can cause unwanted reactions in the body.

“Alas, the most delicious products – pickled cucumbers, salted tomatoes, jams and marinades – are the most harmful. When preparing them, too much vinegar, sugar and spices are often used,” the doctor noted in a comment to
According to Galkina, canned “goodies” that are heavily seasoned with salt pose a particular danger to the body. Addiction to foods with a high concentration of salt increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases, kidney problems, and oncological diseases. In particular, salt from home-made winter preparations “helps” stomach cancer to develop, the nutritionist warned.

The specialist clarified that salt is not a carcinogen for the body, but eaten in large quantities, it can aggravate the unfavorable condition of damaged areas on the gastric mucosa. Deformed cells in such areas can subsequently transform into tumors.

“It has been proven that the abuse of salt increases the risk of stomach cancer by 1.7 times, and in combination with smoking and alcohol – by 5 times,” the doctor informed.
The nutritionist recommended eating fermented foods instead of salted and pickled vegetables. For example, sauerkraut is a source of lactic acid, which can stop the process of decay in the intestines.

Earlier, the portal wrote that men's susceptibility to prostate cancer largely depends on their diet.

Important! The information is provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and do not self-medicate under any circumstances. At the first signs of illness, consult a doctor.

Oksana Galkina Oksana Galkina Health nutritionist KGBUZ “Altai Regional Oncology Dispensary”