
Neurologist Golubinskaya: it is best to turn a person with an epileptic attack on his side

a man is lying on the floor
Neurologist Olga Golubinskaya: during an epileptic attack, you should not put a spoon in the patient’s mouth or give him heart medications.

Neurologist Golubinskaya told what first aid can be provided to a person with an epileptic attack. The doctor emphasized that at such a moment one should absolutely not try to place a spoon in the patient’s mouth.

“You cannot insert spoons into the mouth, because we simply knock out his teeth and, as a rule, do not save him from the attack itself,” – the specialist noted in a commentary to Gazeta.Ru.
Olga Golubinskaya added that often an epileptic attack is interpreted as a cardiac problem, and the victim is given cardiac medications, nitroglycerin. The neurologist said that it is absolutely forbidden to do this, since using heart medications without knowing what is really wrong with a person is dangerous.

“With epilepsy, the mouth is clamped, accordingly, he can simply choke on this drug, and we we can cause harm.”
The doctor stated that it is best to turn a person with an epileptic attack on his side, in this position he is less injured. Then you need to seek emergency help.

Earlier, the portal wrote about what diseases are manifested by trembling in the hands.

Important! Information is provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. At the first signs of illness, consult a doctor.

Olga Golubinskaya Olga Golubinskaya Health neurologist, candidate of medical sciences