
Neurologist Alekhina named 5 symptoms of dementia at the earliest stage

Neurologist Alekhina named 5 symptoms of dementia at the earliest stage

One of the first signs of dementia can occur during a conversation.

Dementia manifests itself in middle age, and memory lapses often cause anxiety. Expert highlights everyday situations and behaviors that may alert.

“It is important that people understand the early warning signs if they are concerned that someone close to them may have dementia,” says neurologist Alexandra Alekhina especially for the MedicalForum.
The neurologist recommended paying attention to the following signs.

Memory loss

“Memory loss, especially difficulty remembering recent events and confusion with names, dates and times, is a common symptom of dementia, along with the repetition of the same questions or pieces of information.”

Sometimes forgetting names or appointments, but remembering them later may just be a typical age-related change.

Problems finding the right words

People with a mental disorder may suddenly have trouble continuing or joining a conversation. For example, they may stop in the middle of a sentence and not know how to continue, or they may repeat themselves.

“A person with dementia can also find it difficult to find the right word.”

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Behavioral changes

People living with dementia may experience mood and personality changes.

People can become confused, suspicious, depressed, scared or anxious.

Inappropriate objects

Inappropriate objects, such as milk in the oven or a kettle left in the bathroom, can be signs of a brain condition.

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Changes in decision making

“Changes in decision making are also common: people with dementia are more likely to make risky or impulsive decisions that go beyond the norm.”< br>A person may begin to show short-sightedness when dealing with money or bills. In addition, they may also begin to pay less attention to self-care and cleanliness. “warning_txt”>Important! Information provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. At the first sign of illness, consult a doctor.