
Naturopathic helpers to maintain good mood and energy

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Nutritionist Ekaterina Novikova told what minerals and vitamins you can use to keep yourself in good shape and maintain a good mood.

Our emotional state directly depends on a number of physiological indicators. This also applies to the level of certain minerals and vitamins in our body. When they go into deficiency, the mood automatically worsens.

“Our naturopathic assistants can keep us in good shape, improve our mood and fill us with energy. For example, magnesium has an impact on a person's performance, making it easy to withstand high psycho-emotional overload. It helps to calm the nervous system and improve sleep,” says the specialist.
Vitamins of group B are also responsible for a good mood. This is the key to the full functioning of the nervous system. The thing is that the synthesis of serotonin directly depends on them. We all know what this hormone is responsible for.

Another author of our mood is the amino acid hydroxytryptophan. Without it, the body will not be able to produce the “happiness hormone”.

Phospholipids are needed for the full functioning of the brain and nervous system.

L-carnitine, taurine, coenzyme Q10 will help increase the level of efficiency and energy. These are the best natural energy drinks.⠀

Bad memory is a consequence of a good mood

Fatty acids (omega-3) are necessary to fight depression.

Foods for a good mood

Try not to bring the level of the listed nutrients to an acute deficiency, it will be difficult to make up for the lack. It is better to maintain the optimal level with prophylactic doses of drugs, taking them regularly in courses. Ekaterina Novikova Ekaterina Novikova Health Nutritionist, nutritionist