
Longevity: Two seemingly healthy habits lead to premature aging

Longevity: two seemingly healthy habits lead to premature aging

According to the science of aging, there are several ways to increase life expectancy. However, some of these measures contradict each other. Here are five supposedly healthy habits that can take years of your life.

The increase in the age of the world's population highlights the urgent need to combat age-related diseases. However, not all “healthy” habits contribute to a long life. Here are two bad habits that can harm your health.

Walking Instead of Exercise

Family doctor Tatyana Zakharova explained that limiting exercise to daily walks can deprive the body of much-needed strength training .

Five habits that can add 10 years to life

“Without strength training, the average person will lose three to eight percent of their muscle mass in ten years after age 30… the rate picks up after age 60. Loss of muscle mass is associated with an increased risk of falling, cognitive decline and an increased risk of dementia, diabetes and heart disease and even premature death,” Zakharova says specifically for MedicForum.
The doctor recommended doing strength training for at least two hours a week , and these activities engage all major muscle groups such as legs, hips, back, abdomen, chest, shoulders and arms.

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Stay out of the sun

Adequate exposure to sunlight is another important component of good health as it helps to regulate the body's circadian rhythms. To receive signals from the sun, the body must be outside for 15 to 30 minutes each morning, and then again in the late afternoon.

MedicalForum has previously written about the symptoms of thyroid problems.