
Longevity: the foods most associated with longevity

Longevity: the foods most associated with 'centenarians'
The road to longevity is precarious for many reasons, not least the frequent occurrence of chronic diseases. However, researchers are trying to develop a work plan by identifying the lifestyle most suitable for longevity. A study of the dietary habits of the “super-aged” has yielded some startling results.

“Very few people live to be eighty-five years of age or older (the “oldest people”), and even fewer people live to that age without developing chronic diseases.”
It is therefore important to understand the relationship, if any, of modifiable factors such as diet with healthy aging, they noted.

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“Two eating patterns have been identified; a Western diet characterized by French fries, red meat, processed meats, and a nutrient-dense diet that includes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and seeds, and other healthy foods,” – Says nutritionist Vasilisa Ponomareva especially for MedikForum.

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Higher scores on both diets were associated with increased chances of becoming centenarians.

” The key to a healthy diet is eating the right amount of calories depending on how active you are to balance the energy you take in with the energy you use,” the nutritionist adds.
You should also be eating a wide range of foods to make sure you're getting a balanced diet and your body gets all the nutrients it needs.

Medicalforum has previously written about foods that lead to headaches.