
Is it possible to get pregnant in menopause?

pregnancy test
Not quite a young age and a supposed menopause are not at all a reason for a woman to think that she is no longer able to conceive, bear and give birth to a healthy child.
Gynecologist Tatyana Ilyukhina shared a case from her medical practice, which proves that the absence of a regular menstrual cycle does not always indicate the onset of menopause. Therefore, you need to keep your ear sharp and not lose vigilance.

“Once a 50-year-old patient came to an ultrasound, complaining of pain, bloating and weight gain. More than half a year there is no menstruation, constipation, nausea, severe bloating. I examined the patient for an ultrasound – everything is normal. I go down with the sensor and see the formation in the abdominal cavity. It turned out that the patient was not in her sixth month of pregnancy!” the doctor says.
This patient was sure that she had menopause. As a result, a healthy boy was born.

This is the answer to the question of whether it is possible to get pregnant in menopause. It is impossible in menopause, but you need to clearly be sure that menopause has come.

Is it possible to do menopause without hormones?

For this, at least a year must pass from the moment of the last menstruation. Before that, if pregnancy is not planned, spouses need to use protection.

The doctor refuted the myth of menopause

In order to understand how close a woman is to menopause or menopause, the doctor recommends taking a blood test for hormones FSH and AMH. They will make it clear what reserve of eggs a woman has retained and to what extent she is, in principle, capable of pregnancy. Tatyana Ilyukhina Tatyana Ilyukhina Health Gynecologist