
Is it possible to cut a large stomach? Opinion of the endocrinologist

stomach waist
Surgery to reduce the stomach is used as a last resort when other ways to lose weight do not help.

Many obese people dream of such an operation as the only salvation. Endocrinologist Olga Pavlova expressed her opinion on bariatric surgery.

“The tragedy is that the appetite is not going anywhere. A person wants not just to eat, but to throw food into his mouth with both hands. Many people say that the process of eating turns into a vicious circle of overeating – vomiting. It is unpleasant, painful and very harmful,” the expert says.
It sometimes takes a long period of time before a person gets used to a new diet and a new portion size.

In principle, you can retrain your stomach in the same way without such radical surgical methods – by willpower.

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The operation, in fact, in this case is an auxiliary method, but its side effects are very unpleasant and uncomfortable. And, unfortunately, the operation to reduce the volume of the stomach does not give any guarantees at all in terms of the fact that a person will definitely lose weight.

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If you do not moderate your appetite, the stomach can stretch again and again. Olga Pavlova Olga Pavlova Health Endocrinologist