
Iron deficiency states: should I pay attention to ferritin?

blood test
Dietitian-gastroenterologist Yana Prudnikova explained how ferritin and iron levels in the body are related.

It is difficult today to find a person who does not take dietary supplements and vitamins. Being healthy is fashionable today. The problem is that many prescribe dietary supplements for themselves and often by eye, without passing any tests.

In particular, this applies to iron preparations, which many drink in batches, but there is no effect. Ferritin remained as low as it was. What's the matter?

“Ferritin (protein + iron) is an acute phase reagent that coordinates cellular defense against oxidative stress and inflammation along with transferrin and its receptor. Its main role is the accumulation of Fe, which is toxic to the body. Ferritin converts it into a soluble non-toxic form and in a physiologically accessible state,” the expert explains.
Ferritin can be found in almost every cell of our body, its levels are variable and depend on a number of conditions.

In particular, when there are inflammatory processes in the body (they affect iron metabolism), ferritin will also increase. At the same time, iron is not absorbed in the body. That is, in this case, the analysis for ferritin is not at all indicative.

We also see high ferritin in liver pathologies, alcoholism, oncology, myocardial infarction, and kidney dysfunction.

The expert told what causes iron deficiency

The expert also refuted the popular opinion that the level of ferritin should not be less than a person's weight.

What is ferritin and what can it tell about your health?

“Nowhere in the official sources and clinical guidelines for hematology is this.”
And one more important point – it is useless to take iron supplements if there are malfunctions in the digestive tract. It just won't get used. Money and effort down the drain. Yana Prudnikova Yana Prudnikova Health Children's gastroenterologist