
Inflammation of the heart can be a consequence of the flu

chest pain
Therapist Marina Konstantinova spoke about the inflammation of the heart, which can begin due to the influenza suffered by a person.

The transferred swine flu can lead to inflammation in the heart muscle, as well as in the shell of the heart, the doctor Konstantinova said in an interview.

“Among the complications of swine flu, there are inflammations of the heart muscle and the lining of the heart, for example, pericarditis and myocarditis,” the doctor said about the possible consequences of the flu. Under the influence of the H1N1 virus, blood vessels are affected, becoming more brittle. As a result, the risk of vascular damage and bleeding increases.

The consequence of the transferred covid may be the development of “elephantiasis”: doctor Bolibok

One of the most dangerous consequences of the flu, the therapist called viral pneumonia, which is accompanied by increased body temperature, a bluish tint to the skin. At the same time, breathing worsens, shortness of breath occurs, the oxygen content in the body decreases, a cough containing sputum appears.

Ophthalmologist Shilova called an unusual consequence of the transferred coronavirus can lead to the formation of a respiratory distress syndrome (development of pulmonary edema) with a possible fatal outcome, ”the specialist warned.
Earlier, the portal wrote that doctor Alexander Myasnikov warned Russians about the dangers of drugs for acute respiratory viral infections with paracetamol.

Important! This information is provided for reference only. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. Seek medical attention at the first signs of illness.

Marina Konstantinova Health therapist INVITRO-Ural