
How is it recommended to treat the flu?

Experts emphasize that it is not necessary to take antibiotics for ARVI.

Influenza has become the dominant infection in Russia this season. Its characteristic feature is an abrupt onset: the sick person immediately feels severe malaise and high temperature. Doctors strongly recommend that if you feel unwell, stay at home to avoid the spread of infection.

Home treatment mainly comes down to bed rest – you need to sleep a lot, rest. Drinking is important: water, fruit drinks, drinks without sugar. Through urination, unwanted substances and toxins are more actively removed from the body. Useful mineral water, creating an alkaline environment, unfavorable for infectious pathogens. Food should be mostly light and protein. It is better to refuse sugar for the period of illness.

If a dry cough occurs, then sputum-thinning agents are indicated. Antipyretics are usually taken at a temperature of more than 38 degrees with severe discomfort. Antibiotics are not used for respiratory infections, which include the flu. You should absolutely not use them on your own, only a doctor should prescribe these drugs.

As for other drugs, certain drugs are used in the treatment of influenza, informed about this.

How to treat influenza and SARS: instructions

“There is a specific therapy for the treatment of influenza – Tamiflu tablets (INN oseltamivir) or Relenza spray (INN zanamivir). Doctors say that taking these drugs somewhat shortens the duration of the disease, reduces the risk of developing severe complications,” the source said.
Earlier, doctor Olga Malinovskaya said that swine flu differs from the usual one by the presence of symptoms such as diarrhea and vomiting.

4 ways to limit the spread of swine flu

Portal, in turn, wrote about what symptoms of swine flu you need to see a doctor.

Important ! Information provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. At the first sign of illness, consult a doctor.