
Hepatologist Prashnova: how long can you live with cirrhosis of the liver?

health of the liver
Hepatologist Maria Prashnova spoke in an interview about the features of such a dangerous pathology as cirrhosis of the liver.

Doctor Prashnova said that cirrhosis of the liver can develop as a consequence of chronic progressive liver disease or damage. It seems to many that cirrhosis is necessarily the result of alcoholism, but its occurrence is not only due to this. The doctor named the factors provoking its appearance:

  • obesity
  • infection with viral hepatitis
  • development of autoimmune liver diseases,
  • accumulation diseases that lead to the deposition of large amounts of harmful substances in the organs.

According to the hepatologist, in cases where chronic progressive liver diseases occur, the cells of the organ can die. The diseased liver is no longer able to recreate new ones – the place of dead cells is occupied by connective tissue. This process is known as fibrosis.

Prashnova added that the development of fibrosis is quite slow. However, it is a precursor to cirrhosis, which appears when a large part of the organ is covered by fibrosis.

“Gradually, a large part of the liver tissue is replaced by a pronounced or advanced fibrosis, which forms rough scars, breaking the ideal geometric structure of the liver. This condition is called cirrhosis.”
The hepatologist emphasized that if a person's fibrosis is diagnosed at an early stage, it can be managed without turning into cirrhosis. Unlike fibrosis, cirrhosis is not reversible.

Prashnova answered how long one can live with cirrhosis of the liver.

“The connective tissue does not do the work for the liver cells, but until a certain point, the remaining hepatocytes are able to cope with their tasks. This condition is called compensated cirrhosis, with it a person can live on average for about 12 years, ”the doctor explained to Gazeta.Ru.
The specialist added that in cases where a state of decompensation occurs, the remaining normal liver cells cease to compensate for the functions of damaged cells – this indicates the development of liver failure. With such a pathology, a person, even if he is treated, can only live for about two years.

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The hepatologist recalled that with emerging diseases, the liver does not respond with symptoms for a long time , and the diagnosis of cirrhosis may be unexpected for a person. To avoid this, it is important to undergo routine checks.

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Earlier, wrote about whether men can grow breasts due to the use alcohol.

Important! Information provided for reference purposes only. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. Seek medical attention at the first sign of illness.

Maria Prashnova Maria Prashnova Health Gastroenterologist, Hepatologist, Associate Professor, St. Petersburg State University