
Heartburn Often Occurs? Oncologist Karasev Answered Whether Reflux Can Lead to Cancer

Oncologist surgeon Ivan Karasev explained how dangerous reflux, which often causes heartburn, can be.

Reflux is a chronic pathology – in its case, the contents of the stomach are regularly thrown into the esophagus. Irritating the delicate mucous tissue of the esophagus, this gastric “broth” provokes unpleasant sensations. Frequent heartburn is a characteristic symptom of reflux.

Oncologist Karasev answered whether reflux can lead to cancer. The doctor stated: the probability of such an event does exist, and it is by no means minimal. That is why, with increasing heartburn, you should not look for any available means to extinguish it, but go to the doctor and get checked.

Karasev specified that with reflux, the mucous membrane of the cardia (the part of the stomach that is adjacent to the esophagus) can become inflamed, and a dangerous process of tissue transformation can occur in the esophagus.

How can you tell that reflux has already given impetus to the development of unfavorable processes? Here are the symptoms that indicate this:

  • A burning sensation in the chest occurs;
  • Chest pain;
  • A feeling of a lump in the throat and problems with swallowing;
  • Food or sour liquid rises to the throat or mouth.

These symptoms usually appear after eating, and their severity depends on how much acid comes out of the stomach and how high it rises.

“Chronic reflux damages the esophageal mucosa, causing it to be replaced by the so-called metaplastic mucosa. This process can lead to cancer,” oncologist Karasev warned.
Earlier, the portal wrote about why it is dangerous to take baking soda during heartburn attacks.

Important! Information is provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and do not self-medicate under any circumstances. At the first signs of illness, consult a doctor.

Ivan Karasev Ivan Karasev Health surgeon-oncologist, candidate of medical sciences