
Hair Health: Foods to Eat Plenty to Prevent Hair Loss

Healthy hair: foods to eat in abundance to prevent hair loss
According to some research, proper nutrition can help take care of your hair. Indeed, there may be certain types of foods that can help keep hair healthy and reduce hair loss.

Hair can be important to people's self-image, so hair loss can be an unpleasant experience.

br>“Hair loss is normal. We can lose 50 to 100 hairs a day, often without even realizing it. Hair loss is not usually a cause for concern, but it can sometimes be a sign of a medical condition. It doesn’t matter what treatment you apply to your curls if you don’t take care of them from the inside, ”says trichologist Oleg Spiridonov especially for MedikForum.

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She said that for bouffant curls, the “first step” is to make sure you're eating plenty of protein.

“This essential nutrient plays a critical role in keeping your hair – the fastest growing tissue in your body – in good condition. Each strand of hair is made up of keratin, a heavy-duty protein that is also used to build nails and skin,” the doctor explains.

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She explained that protein is » for the whole organism. Most body tissues, including your muscles and blood, need this nutrient to grow and repair. Therefore, you should eat plenty of protein so that your hair gets its fair share.

“A healthy balanced diet such as green leafy vegetables, beans, nuts, eggs, fish and chicken, which are sources of protein, can promote growth hair.”

A number of foods are rich in antioxidants. For example, blueberries, beets and beans.

“They can also support normal circulation,” which is necessary for a healthy scalp.

Medicalforum has previously written about the benefits of cocoa in reducing cholesterol.