
Gynecologist Koledova spoke about the “unexpected symptoms” of menopause

Feeling these symptoms, women often do not associate them with the onset of menopause, says gynecologist Tatyana Koledova.

Many women have heard of hot flashes and mood swings due to menopause, the so-called menopause. But there are also “unexpected symptoms” that they don't associate with the condition. In a conversation with MedikForum, gynecologist Koledova told what signs a period of specific hormonal changes in the female body can manifest itself, which means the cessation of its fertility.

Articular pain.Joint pain is insidious in that it can affect almost anyone, regardless of age or gender. Therefore, it is often not read as an indicator of the onset of menopause. Nevertheless, problems with muscles and joints very often haunt women precisely because of menopause. In his case, they usually occur in combination with mood swings, weight gain, anxiety, sleep disturbances.

Sleep disorders.The closer the menopause, the more often you can hear women's complaints about insomnia and tension that does not allow you to relax. Sleep disturbances during this period should not be taken lightly. In addition to difficulty concentrating, exhaustion, and irritability the next day, lack of sleep can contribute to the development of cardiovascular disease. The propensity of women to them increases significantly after menopause.

Change in figure. If the figure changes without changing eating habits, this can also be an “unexpected symptom” of menopause. A particularly characteristic sign of hormonal changes is the accumulation of fat in the abdomen, on the buttocks, and thighs.

Arrhythmia. Many mature women “suddenly” begin to feel the heart – with the advent of menopause, palpitations may occur. Usually there are episodes of rapid heartbeat.

Abdominal pain. Hormonal changes in menopause can cause unexpectedly severe abdominal pain. In menstruating women, uterine contractions can cause extreme discomfort up to convulsions and spasms along with general deterioration (lightheadedness, pressure drop, fainting). If the stomach hurts a lot, although the woman has not had a period for a long time, she should definitely visit a doctor. The causes of such pain can be uterine prolapse, cysts, bladder infection.

Is it possible to delay the onset of menopause?

Earlier, wrote that gynecologist Koledova named early signs of ovarian cancer .

Important! Information provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. At the first sign of illness, consult a doctor.