
Good sleep and iron-rich foods help boost immunity

bed during sleep
Compliance with sleep helps to strengthen immunity, said immunologist Andrey Prodeus.

Professor Prodeus spoke in an interview with Radio 1 about available methods to strengthen immunity. One of them, the physician called a regular, sufficient duration of sleep. The time for falling asleep and the time for waking up should be the same, you should go to bed before midnight.

“The period when the body is actively recovering is from 11 pm to 3 am,” Andrei Prodeus noted.
Also, the immunologist added, For a good functioning of the immune system during the cold season, it is necessary that foods containing iron and vitamin D are present in the diet.

The ability to resist the ravages of stress also helps maintain immunity. In addition, the immunologist considers it necessary to be vaccinated against the flu.

In addition, the scientist advised to ventilate the premises well, if possible, avoid stuffy places with a high density of people.

Earlier, the portal wrote about products that help fill the lack of zinc.

Important! Information provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. Seek medical attention at the first sign of illness.

Andrey Prodeus Andrey Prodeus Health pediatrician-immunologist, MD, professor