
Gastroenterologist told what causes stomach problems

abdominal pain
Gastroenterologist-hepatologist Sergey Vyalov listed the main factors that most often cause malfunctions in the gastrointestinal tract.

How often does it happen that after a meal, a feeling of discomfort suddenly appears in the stomach? It seems that he didn’t eat anything forbidden, but it still hurts. If you are familiar with such a situation, then there are violations in the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

“We are accustomed to blaming “bad” food for everything — fried, salty, spicy. Yes, this can lead to distension of the stomach and irritation, but this is not the cause of inflammation and, as a result, cell death and damage to the mucosa, ”the expert notes.
What then provokes disturbances in the work of the gastrointestinal tract, in particular gastritis?

In most cases, the bacterium Helicobacter pylori is to blame. However, she is not alone. Other microbes can also cause serious damage to our gastrointestinal tract.

If you are tormented by reflux gastritis (this is when bile from the duodenum is thrown back into the stomach) indicates that there are malfunctions in the duodenum, and there are also violations of the bile ducts.

But the expert considers autoimmune processes to be the most terrible factor.

“Impairment in the functioning of the immune system and the production of antibodies by the body that destroy the mucous membrane leads to autoimmune gastritis.”
If you ignore the signals that the body sends us in the form of pain and discomfort after eating for a long time, autoimmune processes can eventually provoke the appearance of malignant tumors. Be attentive to yourself and to your body. Sergey Vyalov Sergey Vyalov Health Gastroenterologist, hepatologist