
Features and rules of nutrition with a removed gallbladder

food on a plate
Dr. Natalia Kondakova spoke about the peculiarities of nutrition with a removed gallbladder.

“Bile is a repository of bile that the liver secretes and stores in gall for concentration. When we eat, bile will be released into the intestines and activate pancreatic enzymes. If there is no bile, the bile will still be secreted by the liver and constantly leak into the intestines,” the expert says.
However, in this case, the bile will not be concentrated. Since bile is also needed to neutralize the pathogenic microflora of the intestine, when the bile is removed, the harmful microflora feels better. There may be bloating, flatulence.

How to eat with a removed gallbladder? If you answer the question briefly, then it is as useful and correct as possible: we also do not exclude more vegetables, complex carbohydrates, protein, fats, but we prefer useful ones.

But it is advisable to exclude sweets, flour, especially rich products from the daily menu . Sweet will only contribute to the growth of pathogenic microflora, which will further complicate the life of the intestines. Flour products will also act in the same way.

Remove dyes and preservatives whenever possible, read labels carefully.

Gallstones increase the risk of heart disease

We eat small portions, 3 -4 times a day. If the morning rise is late, then three times.

Can food cause stones in the gallbladder

To improve the quality of bile, you can take lecithin, taurine, magnesium. As a preventive measure, you can use light choleretic agents based on artichoke and curcumin. Natalya Kondakova Natalya Kondakova Health Therapist