
Fat acts like a drug on us?

fatty food
Surgeon-oncologist Inna Tulina told how fatty food affects our receptors and what reactions it causes in the body.

When even though it hits the tongue a drop of fat, its receptors send signals to the duodenum: get ready to digest! And immediately a chain of reactions invisible to our eyes is launched.

“In response to a signal, cells in the intestinal wall secrete endocannabinoid molecules. It is no coincidence that their name is similar to “cannabis”. Endocannabinoids act on nerve receptors in the gut, causing a feeling of happiness and at the same time terrible hunger, ”says the expert.
“Hunger hormones” begin to enter the blood. From them, the brain receives information that the body is hungry. And not just hunger, but literally life-threatening.

That's why when we start eating, for example, cream or nuts, it's so hard for us to stop. At this moment, we are already controlled by a whole cascade of internal chemical reactions. That is why we overeat fatty foods so often.

The fast food industry is built around this, which successfully exploits the mechanisms built into us by nature. After all, fast food is all about sugar, salt and fat.

The main trouble is that along with this food, we load a huge amount of calories into ourselves, which will not give much energy, but will certainly be deposited in fat reserves on the sides and around the internal organs. And this has a very bad effect on the quality and duration of our lives.

Scientists have come to the conclusion: if by the age of 40 you have accumulated 24 cm of fat between your stomach and lower back, with a high degree of probability it can be assumed that in old age you dementia threatens.

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Our bodies certainly need fats. In particular, a number of sex hormones are formed from them. However, when choosing fats, you need to give preference to healthy fats that will benefit the body, and not just extra calories.

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Healthy fats can be obtained from nuts, various types vegetable oil, fatty fish. Inna Tulina Inna Tulina Health Surgical oncologist