
Excess weight. What tests to take?

Dr. Natalya Kondakova told what tests to take and what examinations to undergo if you are overweight.

“In most cases, overeating is the cause of excess weight and a sedentary lifestyle. Too many carbohydrates. An indirect cause may be chronic stress and lack of sleep, which lead to overeating, ”the expert notes.
Excess weight, in turn, causes other health problems. What examinations do you need to go through to understand what is really happening with the body and what to do next?

First of all, we check the thyroid hormones (TSH AND T4 free). This analysis will help to establish or exclude hypothyroidism (low thyroid function).

We look at blood glucose levels. Thus, we exclude the factor of diabetes mellitus or prediabetes.

Together with glucose, insulin is usually checked. This analysis reveals the sensitivity of cells to insulin, which is especially important when insulin resistance is suspected. The HOMA index will help you get the final confirmation.

To rule out hyperprolactinemia, we take a blood test for prolactin.

A biochemical blood test is also required. Here we are interested in indicators of total cholesterol, LDL, HDL, triglycerides, creatinine, uric acid, ALT, AST, GGTP, bilirubin. In sum, all these data will help to identify the metabolic syndrome (metabolic disorder).

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Vitamin D deficiency is very often observed in obese people, therefore It would not be superfluous to pass this analysis as well.

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In addition to the tests, we are undergoing examinations. We start with ultrasound of the abdominal organs. Additionally, an ECG can be done to exclude heart problems, which people who are overweight often suffer from. Natalya Kondakova Natalya Kondakova Health Therapist, naturopath