
Dr. Yang named beets among seasonal products that are useful for rejuvenating the body

Endocrinologist Ekaterina Yang: including certain foods in the autumn menu helps strengthen the body and look better.

Endocrinologist Yang spoke about seasonal products in a simple autumn menu that can prevent inflammatory processes and are useful for rejuvenation. Among them, the doctor singled out beets. According to Ekaterina Yang, the effect of improving appearance when consuming this vegetable is provided by its positive effect on blood vessels and blood flow.

“Eating beet dishes is associated with cleansing the arteries and improving the condition of blood vessels and blood. Beets make blood vessels more elastic, ensuring good blood flow due to the content of nitric oxide,” the doctor noted in her Telegram channel.
The doctor also named pomegranates and mushrooms as seasonal products that are useful for rejuvenating the body. Pomegranates are on this list due to the content of a powerful antioxidant substance – ellagic acid. As for mushrooms, they contain beta-glucans, which support the work of immune cells and thereby protect cells from oxidative damage.

Earlier, the portal wrote that beet tops have an anti-cancer effect, nutritionist Oksana Galkina spoke about this in more detail.

Important! Information is provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and do not self-medicate under any circumstances. At the first signs of illness, consult a doctor.

Ekaterina Yang (Katya Yang) Ekaterina Yang (Katya Yang) Health Endocrinologist