
Does gelatin help with joint diseases?

knee joint
Dr. Vladimir Eni-Olorunda told whether it is possible to cure diseased joints with ordinary gelatin.

Today, you can find many recipes on the Internet using gelatin from sore joints. We asked our expert to comment on such a non-drug method of treatment. And it turned out that it really works.

“This amazing recipe was developed back in Soviet times by a military doctor, and it really works! If you periodically or constantly experience pain in the joints, neck, legs, back, then this recipe is for you,” says the doctor.
In the evening, pour 2 teaspoons of gelatin into one-fourth glass of cold water. Leave the resulting mixture to infuse overnight at room temperature.

By morning, this mass should reach the consistency of jelly. After waking up, you need to drink the mixture. You may not find the taste very pleasant. You can dilute the mixture with juice, sour cream, honey – to taste.

You will notice improvements in a week, but the course of treatment should last a month. During the year, you can take two such courses with a break.

Amazingly useful properties of simple gelatin

The method is safe, without contraindications. How does gelatin work? The fact is that gelatin is made by processing animal tissues (tendons, collagen, bones). Therefore, gelatin has a beneficial effect on the condition of the joints and blood vessels.

Gelatin will help get rid of wrinkles, cellulite and hangovers

You will also note the positive effect of this recipe on the work of the heart, metabolism, hair and nails, skin . Vladimir Eni-Olorunda Vladimir Eni-Olorunda Health Manual doctor, physio- and reflex-therapy, massage therapist