
Doctor Zakharova named an amino acid supplement for anti-aging therapy

Doctor Zakharova named an amino acid supplement for anti-aging therapy

Supplements are a common attribute of the modern household. Used for a variety of reasons, they can help boost the body's immune system to maintain a high level of overall health. One particular supplement may have anti-aging effects, according to new research.

Supplements come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes and have a variety of purposes, from boosting certain vitamin levels to building bone mass. However, a new study suggests that one supplement could help someone live longer by slowing down the rate of aging.

“Taurine amino acid supplements may fight aging. Preventing the buildup of free radicals that naturally occurs with aging , probably prevents cardiovascular disease, diabetes and high blood pressure, among other chronic conditions,” family doctor Tatiana Zakharova says specifically for MedicForum.

Although it sounds problematic, and it is, free radicals are an inevitable compound released when the cells of the body process oxygen and food.

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Some of them can help improve overall health, but too much of them can lead to damage to the internal structure of cells.
The consequences of too much free radicals are an increase in the likelihood of chronic diseases.

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What is taurine?

“Taurine is a common nutrient found in beef, fish, and chicken; it is a key chemical in the functioning of the nervous system. Taurine It has an anti-inflammatory effect and acts as an antioxidant.”

For this reason, scientists believe that it can help with aging.

Before using supplements, a doctor's consultation is required.

Earlier, the Medicalforum wrote about the symptoms of a diseased liver.