
Doctor Sokolov called five dangerous mistakes of men after 40 years in relation to health

poor health in a man
The doctor states that the attitude of men towards their health (compared to women) is more negligent and dismissive.

In an interview with a doctor -physiologist Anton Sokolov named five very dangerous mistakes of men over the age of 40 in relation to health.

A calm attitude to weight gain. Women are more worried about extra pounds. Men, being more calm in this regard, are less likely to follow any restrictions. Meanwhile, after the age of 40, the body naturally begins to lose muscle and more readily produces adipose tissue.

Failure to test for hypertension. High blood pressure problems are statistically more common in men over 40 years of age. Hypertension may not be manifested by external symptoms; only periodic pressure checks can detect it. According to doctor Sokolov, men of mature age make a dangerous mistake, believing that only old people should check their blood pressure. Those who lead a sedentary lifestyle are at particular risk of suffering from hypertension.

Passion for carbohydrates. Modern men eat a lot of sweets, this is confirmed by statistics. Their diet contains a lot of drinks containing sugar, fast carbohydrates – from soda to alcohol. Another addiction is white bread, dough products. Such a trend in nutrition leads not only to weight gain, but also contributes to the development of type 2 diabetes mellitus. . This feature is associated with the development of vascular atherosclerosis – a disease characterized by the deposition of cholesterol in the vessels and leading to coronary heart disease.

Laziness. Unwillingness to play sports, exercise, or at least as often as possible getting up from a chair during sedentary work also has a detrimental effect on men's health, the doctor emphasized.

Earlier, the portal wrote about why people begin to suffer more often from headaches in the summer.