
Doctor Shulga told how to eat ice cream correctly so as not to undermine the health of the gastrointestinal tract, doctor Alisova told who should refuse the treat

Doctor Shulga told how to eat ice cream correctly so as not to undermine the health of the gastrointestinal tract, doctor Alisova told who should refuse the treat

Gastroenterologist Natalya Shulga warned residents of Tula about the potential health risks associated with excessive consumption of ice cream, despite its popularity, reports TSN 24.

She emphasized that ice cream contains a high amount of sugar, so it is not recommended for diabetics and people with prediabetes.

In addition, due to the high calorie content of ice cream, its excessive consumption can lead to excess weight gain. Shulga also touched on the question of how to properly eat ice cream: lick or bite.

According to her, the digestive system copes better with foods at room temperature, so food that is too cold can cause stress on the body. In this regard, it is preferable to lick the ice cream rather than bite it.

Particular attention should be paid to children: it is recommended to give them slightly melted ice cream to avoid negative effects on their gastrointestinal tract.

“Ice cream can be harmful to the stomach and intestines for several reasons. Ice cream contains significant amounts of sugar, which can cause spikes in blood glucose levels. In people with diabetes or prediabetes, this can aggravate the condition and lead to serious complications. Additionally, excess consumption sugar contributes to the development of caries and obesity,” says gastroenterologist Alexandra Alisova especially for MedicForum.
The calorie content of ice cream can contribute to excess weight gain, especially if it is consumed regularly in large quantities. Excess weight, in turn, increases the risk of developing heart disease, diabetes and other chronic diseases.

“Ice cream contains lactose. People with lactase deficiency (lactose intolerance) may experience discomfort, bloating, diarrhea and other gastrointestinal problems after eating ice cream. In this case, it is better to avoid ice cream completely.”
Cold Temperature

Very cold foods can cause stress to the digestive system, especially if consumed in large quantities or quickly. This can lead to stomach cramps and discomfort.

Additives and Preservatives

Commercially produced ice cream often contains various additives, preservatives, artificial colors and flavors that can be harmful for health, especially for people with sensitive stomachs or food allergies, says Alisova.

MedicForum previously wrote about the benefits of turmeric.

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