
Doctor Shcherbakova called the symptoms in which you need to check the blood for sugar

Endocrinologist Larisa Shcherbakova: thirst, frequent urination, itching in the groin area can be symptoms of high blood sugar and diabetes.

Control blood sugar blood is very important – its high level is associated with the development of dangerous health problems, primarily diabetes. The doctor Shcherbakova recalled in an interview that type 2 diabetes can occur at any age – it leads to a violation of the sensitivity of body cells to the hormone insulin. It is as a result of this that type 2 diabetics increase the concentration of glucose (sugar) in the blood.

In addition, elevated blood sugar levels are observed during the development of prediabetes, which is not yet a separate disease, but often occurs as a transitional state on the way to type 2 diabetes. can be a warning signal about the development of prediabetes or diabetes. Having noticed these symptoms, you need to check your blood sugar.

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“Thirst or increased water intake, frequent urination, itching in the groin area, as well as a change in body weight (increase or decrease) indicate the need to urgently donate blood for analysis of glucose levels,” said the endocrinologist.
Scherbakova added, that “candied” blood can negatively affect the state of immunity, contributing to its decrease and, at the same time, a person’s tendency to inflammatory processes and fungal infections. wrote that nighttime trips to the toilet can indicate heart failure.

Important! Info provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. Seek medical attention at the first sign of illness.

Larisa Shcherbakova Larisa Shcherbakova Health endocrinologist