
Doctor: poor sleep and extreme fatigue in winter are due to lack of vitamins

According to the therapist and endocrinologist Elena Kiseleva, many problems with the body in winter arise due to a lack of vitamins it needs.

The specialist said in an interview that doctors distinguish between fat-soluble vitamins and water-soluble vitamins.

“Fat-soluble (A, D, E, K) can accumulate in adipose tissue and liver, and water-soluble ones (C, P, PP, H and group B) are quickly excreted from the body, and their constant intake from the outside is necessary,” Kiseleva explained. Izvestiya.
Speaking about what causes a lack of vitamins in winter, the doctor listed the following factors.

  • Unbalanced, depleted in natural and plant foods.
  • Lack of sun.
  • The presence of diseases that prevent the absorption or synthesis of vitamins.
  • Stress, burnout, overload.
  • Smoking.

Elena Kiseleva clarified what symptoms may indicate a vitamin deficiency. She noted that the frequent problems of winter time – poor sleep, increased fatigue and irritability, hair loss – can be caused precisely by hypovitaminosis.

Doctor Terentyeva listed the symptoms of a lack of B vitamins in the body

“Weakness and increased fatigue, sleep disturbances at night, changes in the quality of skin and hair, changes in weight, easy bruising and a tendency to bleed, changes in vision, decreased sensitivity of the limbs, convulsions should be alert.”
Kiselyova advised checking the vitamin content through a blood test . Based on their indicators, the doctor can prescribe drugs that most effectively compensate for the lack of necessary substances or give recommendations for adjusting the diet.

Scientists have pointed out the symptoms of a lack of folic acid in the body , what types of allergies can aggravate in winter.

Important! Information is provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. Seek medical attention at the first sign of illness.

Elena Kiseleva Elena Kiseleva Health therapist, endocrinologist