
Doctor Pavlova: sweet lovers risk suffering from kidney stones

problems with the kidneys
Zukhra Pavlova, an endocrinologist, said that those with a sweet tooth risk the health of their kidneys.

The doctor Pavlova warned Russians: love for sweets can ruin the kidneys . This organ in those with a sweet tooth becomes prone to stone formation, which is confirmed by the data of a long-term study.

“Sugar is not only about obesity and the risk of diabetes. Chinese scientists after 11 years of research proved that too much added sugar in the diet provokes the formation of kidney stones,” Zukhra Pavlova said in her Telegram.
The doctor noted that it is not only about sugar as such. According to Pavlova, as an additive, it is present in many foods and drinks, including unsweetened ones. If all this is present in the daily diet, the likelihood of suffering from kidney stones also becomes very high.

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“Scientists have confirmed that when a quarter of your daily calorie intake comes from added sugar, people are twice as likely to have problems with kidney stones,” Dr. Pavlova hoped. according to the composition of other products – food with added sugar on the menu should be as small as possible.

Useful products that can cause the appearance of kidney stones are named health problems may arise from the habit of drinking strong brewed tea.

Important! purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. Seek medical attention at the first sign of illness.

Zukhra Pavlova Zukhra Pavlova M. V. Lomonosov, candidate of medical sciences