
Doctor Mashkova: what kind of people can develop melanoma

large mole on the arm
Oncodermatologist Olga Mashkova: owners of blue and gray eyes are at higher risk of developing melanoma.

Melanoma is a skin cancer characterized by aggressive development, this type of cancer is characterized by a very high mortality rate. Doctor Mashkova explained which people may develop melanoma. According to the specialist, fair-skinned, fair-haired people with blue and gray eyes, as well as those who have many freckles, pigment spots and moles on their bodies, are most susceptible to its occurrence.

Olga Mashkova drew attention to the fact that the key factor in the occurrence of melanoma is excessive exposure of the skin to solar ultraviolet radiation.

“Ultraviolet radiation in large doses causes irreversible changes in skin cells. Redheads, blondes and residents of northern latitudes, who have the most sensitive skin, should be especially careful with the sun,” the doctor warned in a commentary for RIA Novosti.
Mashkova advised not to be in direct sunlight with unprotected skin, and it is imperative to use sunscreen. In addition, people in the sun should wear clothing that covers exposed areas of the body as much as possible, and hats.

“According to experts, at midday, when the sun is at its zenith, the intensity of UV radiation is 10 times greater than three hours earlier or three hours later. Avoid the midday sun from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.,” the oncodermatologist shared.
Symptoms of melanoma. It may resemble a mole that increases in size, has an uneven color, an asymmetrical shape, and fuzzy edges. In addition to the skin formation, there are signs of a general deterioration in health – weakness, fatigue, weight loss, nausea.

Earlier, the portal wrote about what a Borrelia tick bite looks like on the skin.

Important! Information is provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and do not self-medicate under any circumstances. At the first signs of the disease, consult a doctor.

Olga Mashkova Olga Mashkova Health Onco-dermatologist